Miscellaneous utilities

This section contains miscellaneous functions that don't really belong in any other section.

Data types


Buffer data type.

char* uv_buf_t.base

Pointer to the base of the buffer.

size_t uv_buf_t.len

Total bytes in the buffer.


On Windows this field is ULONG.

void* (*uv_malloc_func)(size_t size)

Replacement function for malloc(3). See uv_replace_allocator().

void* (*uv_realloc_func)(void* ptr, size_t size)

Replacement function for realloc(3). See uv_replace_allocator().

void* (*uv_calloc_func)(size_t count, size_t size)

Replacement function for calloc(3). See uv_replace_allocator().

void (*uv_free_func)(void* ptr)

Replacement function for free(3). See uv_replace_allocator().


Cross platform representation of a file handle.


Cross platform representation of a socket handle.


Abstract representation of a file descriptor. On Unix systems this is a typedef of int and on Windows a HANDLE.


Cross platform representation of a pid_t.

1.16.0 新版功能.


Data type for resource usage results.

typedef struct {
    uv_timeval_t ru_utime; /* user CPU time used */
    uv_timeval_t ru_stime; /* system CPU time used */
    uint64_t ru_maxrss; /* maximum resident set size */
    uint64_t ru_ixrss; /* integral shared memory size (X) */
    uint64_t ru_idrss; /* integral unshared data size (X) */
    uint64_t ru_isrss; /* integral unshared stack size (X) */
    uint64_t ru_minflt; /* page reclaims (soft page faults) (X) */
    uint64_t ru_majflt; /* page faults (hard page faults) */
    uint64_t ru_nswap; /* swaps (X) */
    uint64_t ru_inblock; /* block input operations */
    uint64_t ru_oublock; /* block output operations */
    uint64_t ru_msgsnd; /* IPC messages sent (X) */
    uint64_t ru_msgrcv; /* IPC messages received (X) */
    uint64_t ru_nsignals; /* signals received (X) */
    uint64_t ru_nvcsw; /* voluntary context switches (X) */
    uint64_t ru_nivcsw; /* involuntary context switches (X) */
} uv_rusage_t;

Members marked with (X) are unsupported on Windows. See getrusage(2) for supported fields on Unix


Data type for CPU information.

typedef struct uv_cpu_info_s {
    char* model;
    int speed;
    struct uv_cpu_times_s {
        uint64_t user;
        uint64_t nice;
        uint64_t sys;
        uint64_t idle;
        uint64_t irq;
    } cpu_times;
} uv_cpu_info_t;

Data type for interface addresses.

typedef struct uv_interface_address_s {
    char* name;
    char phys_addr[6];
    int is_internal;
    union {
        struct sockaddr_in address4;
        struct sockaddr_in6 address6;
    } address;
    union {
        struct sockaddr_in netmask4;
        struct sockaddr_in6 netmask6;
    } netmask;
} uv_interface_address_t;

Data type for password file information.

typedef struct uv_passwd_s {
    char* username;
    long uid;
    long gid;
    char* shell;
    char* homedir;
} uv_passwd_t;

Data type for operating system name and version information.

typedef struct uv_utsname_s {
    char sysname[256];
    char release[256];
    char version[256];
    char machine[256];
} uv_utsname_t;


uv_handle_type uv_guess_handle(uv_file file)

Used to detect what type of stream should be used with a given file descriptor. Usually this will be used during initialization to guess the type of the stdio streams.

For isatty(3) equivalent functionality use this function and test for UV_TTY.

int uv_replace_allocator(uv_malloc_func malloc_func, uv_realloc_func realloc_func, uv_calloc_func calloc_func, uv_free_func free_func)

1.6.0 新版功能.

Override the use of the standard library's malloc(3), calloc(3), realloc(3), free(3), memory allocation functions.

This function must be called before any other libuv function is called or after all resources have been freed and thus libuv doesn't reference any allocated memory chunk.

On success, it returns 0, if any of the function pointers is NULL it returns UV_EINVAL.


There is no protection against changing the allocator multiple times. If the user changes it they are responsible for making sure the allocator is changed while no memory was allocated with the previous allocator, or that they are compatible.

uv_buf_t uv_buf_init(char* base, unsigned int len)

Constructor for uv_buf_t.

Due to platform differences the user cannot rely on the ordering of the base and len members of the uv_buf_t struct. The user is responsible for freeing base after the uv_buf_t is done. Return struct passed by value.

char** uv_setup_args(int argc, char** argv)

Store the program arguments. Required for getting / setting the process title.

int uv_get_process_title(char* buffer, size_t size)

Gets the title of the current process. You must call uv_setup_args before calling this function. If buffer is NULL or size is zero, UV_EINVAL is returned. If size cannot accommodate the process title and terminating NULL character, the function returns UV_ENOBUFS.

在 1.18.1 版更改: now thread-safe on all supported platforms.

int uv_set_process_title(const char* title)

Sets the current process title. You must call uv_setup_args before calling this function. On platforms with a fixed size buffer for the process title the contents of title will be copied to the buffer and truncated if larger than the available space. Other platforms will return UV_ENOMEM if they cannot allocate enough space to duplicate the contents of title.

在 1.18.1 版更改: now thread-safe on all supported platforms.

int uv_resident_set_memory(size_t* rss)

Gets the resident set size (RSS) for the current process.

int uv_uptime(double* uptime)

Gets the current system uptime.

int uv_getrusage(uv_rusage_t* rusage)

Gets the resource usage measures for the current process.


On Windows not all fields are set, the unsupported fields are filled with zeroes. See uv_rusage_t for more details.

uv_pid_t uv_os_getpid(void)

Returns the current process ID.

1.18.0 新版功能.

uv_pid_t uv_os_getppid(void)

Returns the parent process ID.

1.16.0 新版功能.

int uv_cpu_info(uv_cpu_info_t** cpu_infos, int* count)

Gets information about the CPUs on the system. The cpu_infos array will have count elements and needs to be freed with uv_free_cpu_info().

void uv_free_cpu_info(uv_cpu_info_t* cpu_infos, int count)

Frees the cpu_infos array previously allocated with uv_cpu_info().

int uv_interface_addresses(uv_interface_address_t** addresses, int* count)

Gets address information about the network interfaces on the system. An array of count elements is allocated and returned in addresses. It must be freed by the user, calling uv_free_interface_addresses().

void uv_free_interface_addresses(uv_interface_address_t* addresses, int count)

Free an array of uv_interface_address_t which was returned by uv_interface_addresses().

void uv_loadavg(double avg[3])

Gets the load average. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Load_(computing)


Returns [0,0,0] on Windows (i.e., it's not implemented).

int uv_ip4_addr(const char* ip, int port, struct sockaddr_in* addr)

Convert a string containing an IPv4 addresses to a binary structure.

int uv_ip6_addr(const char* ip, int port, struct sockaddr_in6* addr)

Convert a string containing an IPv6 addresses to a binary structure.

int uv_ip4_name(const struct sockaddr_in* src, char* dst, size_t size)

Convert a binary structure containing an IPv4 address to a string.

int uv_ip6_name(const struct sockaddr_in6* src, char* dst, size_t size)

Convert a binary structure containing an IPv6 address to a string.

int uv_inet_ntop(int af, const void* src, char* dst, size_t size)
int uv_inet_pton(int af, const char* src, void* dst)

Cross-platform IPv6-capable implementation of inet_ntop(3) and inet_pton(3). On success they return 0. In case of error the target dst pointer is unmodified.


Maximum IPv6 interface identifier name length. Defined as IFNAMSIZ on Unix and IF_NAMESIZE on Linux and Windows.

1.16.0 新版功能.

int uv_if_indextoname(unsigned int ifindex, char* buffer, size_t* size)

IPv6-capable implementation of if_indextoname(3). When called, *size indicates the length of the buffer, which is used to store the result. On success, zero is returned, buffer contains the interface name, and *size represents the string length of the buffer, excluding the NUL terminator byte from *size. On error, a negative result is returned. If buffer is not large enough to hold the result, UV_ENOBUFS is returned, and *size represents the necessary size in bytes, including the NUL terminator byte into the *size.

On Unix, the returned interface name can be used directly as an interface identifier in scoped IPv6 addresses, e.g. fe80::abc:def1:2345%en0.

On Windows, the returned interface cannot be used as an interface identifier, as Windows uses numerical interface identifiers, e.g. fe80::abc:def1:2345%5.

To get an interface identifier in a cross-platform compatible way, use uv_if_indextoiid().


char ifname[UV_IF_NAMESIZE];
size_t size = sizeof(ifname);
uv_if_indextoname(sin6->sin6_scope_id, ifname, &size);

1.16.0 新版功能.

int uv_if_indextoiid(unsigned int ifindex, char* buffer, size_t* size)

Retrieves a network interface identifier suitable for use in an IPv6 scoped address. On Windows, returns the numeric ifindex as a string. On all other platforms, uv_if_indextoname() is called. The result is written to buffer, with *size indicating the length of buffer. If buffer is not large enough to hold the result, then UV_ENOBUFS is returned, and *size represents the size, including the NUL byte, required to hold the result.

See uv_if_indextoname for further details.

1.16.0 新版功能.

int uv_exepath(char* buffer, size_t* size)

Gets the executable path.

int uv_cwd(char* buffer, size_t* size)

Gets the current working directory, and stores it in buffer. If the current working directory is too large to fit in buffer, this function returns UV_ENOBUFS, and sets size to the required length, including the null terminator.

在 1.1.0 版更改: On Unix the path no longer ends in a slash.

在 1.9.0 版更改: the returned length includes the terminating null byte on UV_ENOBUFS, and the buffer is null terminated on success.

int uv_chdir(const char* dir)

Changes the current working directory.

int uv_os_homedir(char* buffer, size_t* size)

Gets the current user's home directory. On Windows, uv_os_homedir() first checks the USERPROFILE environment variable using GetEnvironmentVariableW(). If USERPROFILE is not set, GetUserProfileDirectoryW() is called. On all other operating systems, uv_os_homedir() first checks the HOME environment variable using getenv(3). If HOME is not set, getpwuid_r(3) is called. The user's home directory is stored in buffer. When uv_os_homedir() is called, size indicates the maximum size of buffer. On success size is set to the string length of buffer. On UV_ENOBUFS failure size is set to the required length for buffer, including the null byte.


uv_os_homedir() is not thread safe.

1.6.0 新版功能.

int uv_os_tmpdir(char* buffer, size_t* size)

Gets the temp directory. On Windows, uv_os_tmpdir() uses GetTempPathW(). On all other operating systems, uv_os_tmpdir() uses the first environment variable found in the ordered list TMPDIR, TMP, TEMP, and TEMPDIR. If none of these are found, the path "/tmp" is used, or, on Android, "/data/local/tmp" is used. The temp directory is stored in buffer. When uv_os_tmpdir() is called, size indicates the maximum size of buffer. On success size is set to the string length of buffer (which does not include the terminating null). On UV_ENOBUFS failure size is set to the required length for buffer, including the null byte.


uv_os_tmpdir() is not thread safe.

1.9.0 新版功能.

int uv_os_get_passwd(uv_passwd_t* pwd)

Gets a subset of the password file entry for the current effective uid (not the real uid). The populated data includes the username, euid, gid, shell, and home directory. On non-Windows systems, all data comes from getpwuid_r(3). On Windows, uid and gid are set to -1 and have no meaning, and shell is NULL. After successfully calling this function, the memory allocated to pwd needs to be freed with uv_os_free_passwd().

1.9.0 新版功能.

void uv_os_free_passwd(uv_passwd_t* pwd)

Frees the pwd memory previously allocated with uv_os_get_passwd().

1.9.0 新版功能.

uint64_t uv_get_free_memory(void)

Gets memory information (in bytes).

uint64_t uv_get_total_memory(void)

Gets memory information (in bytes).

uint64_t uv_hrtime(void)

Returns the current high-resolution real time. This is expressed in nanoseconds. It is relative to an arbitrary time in the past. It is not related to the time of day and therefore not subject to clock drift. The primary use is for measuring performance between intervals.


Not every platform can support nanosecond resolution; however, this value will always be in nanoseconds.

void uv_print_all_handles(uv_loop_t* loop, FILE* stream)

Prints all handles associated with the given loop to the given stream.


uv_print_all_handles(uv_default_loop(), stderr);
[--I] signal   0x1a25ea8
[-AI] async    0x1a25cf0
[R--] idle     0x1a7a8c8

The format is [flags] handle-type handle-address. For flags:

  • R is printed for a handle that is referenced
  • A is printed for a handle that is active
  • I is printed for a handle that is internal


This function is meant for ad hoc debugging, there is no API/ABI stability guarantees.

1.8.0 新版功能.

void uv_print_active_handles(uv_loop_t* loop, FILE* stream)

This is the same as uv_print_all_handles() except only active handles are printed.


This function is meant for ad hoc debugging, there is no API/ABI stability guarantees.

1.8.0 新版功能.

int uv_os_getenv(const char* name, char* buffer, size_t* size)

Retrieves the environment variable specified by name, copies its value into buffer, and sets size to the string length of the value. When calling this function, size must be set to the amount of storage available in buffer, including the null terminator. If the environment variable exceeds the storage available in buffer, UV_ENOBUFS is returned, and size is set to the amount of storage required to hold the value. If no matching environment variable exists, UV_ENOENT is returned.


This function is not thread safe.

1.12.0 新版功能.

int uv_os_setenv(const char* name, const char* value)

Creates or updates the environment variable specified by name with value.


This function is not thread safe.

1.12.0 新版功能.

int uv_os_unsetenv(const char* name)

Deletes the environment variable specified by name. If no such environment variable exists, this function returns successfully.


This function is not thread safe.

1.12.0 新版功能.

int uv_os_gethostname(char* buffer, size_t* size)

Returns the hostname as a null-terminated string in buffer, and sets size to the string length of the hostname. When calling this function, size must be set to the amount of storage available in buffer, including the null terminator. If the hostname exceeds the storage available in buffer, UV_ENOBUFS is returned, and size is set to the amount of storage required to hold the value.

1.12.0 新版功能.

在 1.26.0 版更改: UV_MAXHOSTNAMESIZE is available and represents the maximum buffer size required to store a hostname and terminating nul character.

int uv_os_getpriority(uv_pid_t pid, int* priority)

Retrieves the scheduling priority of the process specified by pid. The returned value of priority is between -20 (high priority) and 19 (low priority).


On Windows, the returned priority will equal one of the UV_PRIORITY constants.

1.23.0 新版功能.

int uv_os_setpriority(uv_pid_t pid, int priority)

Sets the scheduling priority of the process specified by pid. The priority value range is between -20 (high priority) and 19 (low priority). The constants UV_PRIORITY_LOW, UV_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL, UV_PRIORITY_NORMAL, UV_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL, UV_PRIORITY_HIGH, and UV_PRIORITY_HIGHEST are also provided for convenience.


On Windows, this function utilizes SetPriorityClass(). The priority argument is mapped to a Windows priority class. When retrieving the process priority, the result will equal one of the UV_PRIORITY constants, and not necessarily the exact value of priority.


On Windows, setting PRIORITY_HIGHEST will only work for elevated user, for others it will be silently reduced to PRIORITY_HIGH.

1.23.0 新版功能.

int uv_os_uname(uv_utsname_t* buffer)

Retrieves system information in buffer. The populated data includes the operating system name, release, version, and machine. On non-Windows systems, uv_os_uname() is a thin wrapper around uname(3). Returns zero on success, and a non-zero error value otherwise.

1.25.0 新版功能.